Blogger Widgets

Thursday, April 28, 2011

.:: Picture Talking (: ::.

with the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Beneficent

blur nak tulis psl ap..
tp still nk merapu jgk dlm entry ni..

hurm, malas nk ckp byk la,
tgk je la pictures yg i copy ni ye?



hehe, a picture tells a thousand words.

Monday, April 25, 2011

.:: Hati Yang Broken ::.

with the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Beneficent

dh bpe lme x update?
so byk cte2 best dlm hidup ni t'miss nk cite kt cni..
ehem,best tu x semestinye yg hepy2,yg sedih2 pun ad jugak..
hurm..xpe la,yg lepas tu lepas la..

topic ni dh lm sgt nk tulih..
tp asyik dok delay2,konon2 busy la kn,last2 t'drag smpai la saat ni..


well,tgk org2 yg dekat ni patah hati,
sumhow teringat camana rsnnye tu dulu..
tp tu la, ms tu xde ilham lg nk tulih psl tu kt cny..
so,skrg pun bole la kn?

pencetus inspirasi ni ada la 2 org..
i mean,2 org la yg hati dia patah..
sahabat terdekat di medan 'permai' ni..
so,kte yg dekat ni nmpk la how this heartbreaking situation tears them apart..
(haha,mcm aku dulu..)
teringat aku yg dulu tu..siyes rs tu sgt scary!

here is a piece of memory..
kawan sy miss anaconda bg ms sy tgh heartbreak dlu..

jangan terlalu baik pdku,
krn ku takut akan mengasihimu..
jgn mengambil berat akan diriku,
krn ku bimbang akn merinduimu..
jgn t'lalu rapat dgnku,
krn ku x percaya jika menyintaimu..
jgn kau t'lalu hargai pertemuan itu,
krn ku x sanggup kehilanganmu..

lantaran perpisahan ini..
ada yg hilang ketika kau hilang..
hatiku.. jiwaku..
ada yg pergi ketika kau pergi..
senyumku.. tawaku..
hidupku ikut hilang b'samamu..
cintaku ikut pergi  b'samamu..
sedangkan aku masih disini,
mencuba tegak berdiri tanpamu.

so i believe what i felt few years ago sama mcm ap yg diorg rs skrg ni..
at least,btul2 5 minit lepas diorg heartbreak dulu,ini yg diorg rs..
mybe skrg dah ok sket la kut..
sbb,kwn2 aku ni kuat,maybe it's healing up,esp yg sorg tu,yg bilik dia selang satu dr sy tu..heheh..

for sure,
one day akan heal..
but healing takes time..
a cut forms calluses..
and we need time to pick them up..
but once it heal, it leaves a permanent scar..

p/s: sekali lg diingatkan,yg kt atas tu td kwn sy bg ye?bkn sy tuleh..